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Matilda, A cautionary Tale f. Children by Hilaire Belloc. children's choir and instruments.Walter BergmannSchott Music
Matilda, A cautionary Tale f. Children by Hilaire Belloc. children's choir and instruments.Walter BergmannSchott Music
Matilda, A cautionary Tale f. Children by Hilaire Belloc. children's choir and instruments. Partition.Walter BergmannSchott Music
March Past of the Kitchen Utensils, from "The Wasps". recorders (SAT), percussion and piano; glockenspiel and xylophone ad libitum.Ralph Vaughan WilliamsSchott Music
March Past of the Kitchen Utensils, from "The Wasps". recorders (SAT), percussion and piano; glockenspiel and xylophone ad libitum.Ralph Vaughan WilliamsSchott Music
13 Motetten, Nr. 13 Ascendente Jesu in naviculam (Matth. 8, 23-27). soprano or tenor and piano.Paul HindemithSchott Music
Concerto A major, op. 3/3. 2 flutes and basso continuo; cello ad libitum.Michel CorretteSchott Music